lundi 1 mars 2010

Hi Mr.B

I thought this post as a letter addressed to Mr.B.

I think mr.B not going to read this post and previous post. I hope mr.B not bother with it I have on this blog that tells about him or me that there is only the side he looked at him and admire him. I do not expect much of him.
I knew I had to keep a sense of comfort that was not disturbed by the stalker, like me. Too cruel if I mention my self is a stalker. I do not want to say I was embarrassed but would not ashamed of this and I also do not feel wanted. I am just an ordinary woman who I would then sometimes that's what I want. But it was not always like that.
Mr.B forgive me if you feel disturbed. My speech, my greetings to you I think it is despicable. It is not appropriate for me to talk about the things I admire about each scratch you. Frankly face, your smile, your laughter, and each of which is to yourself I admire.
I just fans who idolize you
I admire him I affirm I just admire him ...
but, may I hope?

Mr.B Thanks for reading or nath readers of this blog.
Thank you very much ....

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